Microsoft Azure Cloud

Azure Discovery: 3 Day Azure Workshop

First Technology Azure Discovery Workshop follows a defined and repeatable process to share the wealth of Microsoft Azure Cloud. First Technology showcases the Azure value proposition, concluding with a Proof of Concept.

The First Technology Azure Discovery Workshop reduces the risk of cloud adoption through a defined and repeatable process, sharing the wealth of Microsoft Azure Cloud. Discover the value of Azure through a defined and purpose-built proof of concept, reducing the risk of costly adoption mishaps, by providing you with practical sessions during which we enable and test workloads relevant to your business needs.

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Azure platform overview tailored and customized around your specific Business, Industry and Compliance requirements.
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Single Azure workload Proof of Concept.
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Azure defined adoption Roadmap.
Day 1 - Azure Overview - Discovery workshop
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2-hour discovery workshop.
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Initial discovery of your technical and business requirements.
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Determine the key stakeholders, subject matter experts and scope.
Day 1 - Azure Overview - workshop
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Azure platform walkthrough, including AI, IoT, Data Platform and Analytics, Migration & Modernization, Operations & Management, Infrastructure, Security, Business Applications, Software as a Service.
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Focus on business relevant workloads.
Day 2 - Proof of concept
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Enablement of an Azure POC / Pilot production workload.
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Customized data sets based on organization requirements.
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Define your Azure Adoption Roadmap.
Day 3 - Feedback
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2-3 hour executive feedback session.
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Executive workshop presenting findings, recommended cloud adoption strategy and high-level adoption road map.
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Proof of Concept /Pilot results and recommendation.

Please Note: this offer excludes Microsoft Azure costs and country specific taxes.